星期五, 5月 12, 2006

Skill of Thinking

I learn about Edward de Bono recently. He is regarded by many to be the leading authority in the world in the field of creative thinking and the direct teaching of thinking as a skill. He is the originator of lateral thinking, six thinking hats, water logic, etc. He has written a lot of books about thinking, which giving you a lot of interesting idea.

You can learn more by visiting his web site.

星期二, 4月 18, 2006

The Game Table

Reiner Knizia by the Numbers

A great inview with Reiner Knizia by Ward Batty. In the interview, you will learn more about Reiner Knizia. What is his lifestyle, how he design games, and what he think about the future of gaming.

星期二, 3月 28, 2006



1. 早上一起身便對著鏡依起棚牙,開心的豬頭炳,幾時也開心過憂鬱小生。
2. 越早起身越好,晏起床的人總好像不大快樂。
3. 無論怎樣忙,一定要食早餐,而且一定要把早餐慢慢歎。一早起來便趕喉趕命,整天都會有『唔知為乜』的感覺。
4. 大解後才出門。

5. 喜歡你喜歡的人,討厭你討厭的人,待人毋須平等。
6. 告訴你喜歡的人你喜歡他╱ 她。
7. 無關重要的人誤會了你,便由得他們一錯再錯。
8. 無條件為喜歡的人辦事。
9. 無端白事送件禮物給自己喜歡的人。
10. 待人以誠,對方不誠便立即遠離,勿拖拖拉拉,做大戲才須好頭好尾。
11. 任何條件也不為討厭的人辦事;雖小氣,免勞氣。

12. 不要在白鴿籠內建造羅馬柱。
13. 客廳不置組合櫃,空間頓增加七倍。
14. 別讓室內設計師把你的房子設計成他認為理想的房子,除非你打算與他同居。

15. 不打算炒賣任何東西,便無忌。
16. 帳單收到立即付,便無牽無掛。
17. 可以送錢給人,別借錢給人。當然也可以不送錢不借錢給人。
18. 可以有多少錢,並不是由自己決定的,毋須一天到晚『數住』。
19. 間中買貴了,不值得耿耿於懷。
20. 床單至少有兩張,信用卡只需一張。

21. 不動用自己不懂的字眼。
22. 不去了解自己不明白的人。
23. 週末 ╱假期不一定需要有節目。
24. 不講大話便不用記住講過什麼。
25. 不扮野便不用記住要扮左乜野。
26. 不要看不順眼的人 ╱事物,別看需要邊看邊罵的東西,一年頂多看一次半次好了,例如港姐選舉。
27. 不用應酬你認為是『應酬』的飯局 ╱聚會 ╱出席等等。
28. 把 Appointment Book 丟掉,你不是牙醫。
29. 你不需要兩隻手錶,當然更不需要兩副面孔,徒增添維修費用。

30. 別濕吻不愛的人,手尾好長。
31. 更加不可濕吻權貴的屁股,乾吻、甚至輕啄也不宜。
32. 接吻時,全情投入,別看鐘錶,別看股價,別看天地萬物。
33. 保持舌頭清潔。
34. 吻時別嚼香口膠,也不要把對方當作香口膠來嚐。
35. 有冇人錫,都要錫自己。

36. 每天至少吃兩個水果。
37. 眼睛多吃冰淇淋,便可減少眼火爆。
38. 路過涼茶鋪,不妨幫襯一下-有無幫助不重要,自己覺得好便是好。
39. 茶樓酒館宜少去,免得二手煙頂住你個肺。
40. 雞肋及其他食之無味的東西,毫不可惜地棄之。
41. 飲水,飲水,再飲水。

42. 遠離慘情片,尤其是那些真摰動人的;哽咽有礙呼吸,好辛苦。
43. 看不明白大師的電影,不用內疚,也不必扮欣賞。
44. 睇戲當然要吃零食。
45. 拒絕看配了廣東話的外語片,尤其是成人電影。
46. 請女人看極度驚慄片之前,自己先獨自看一次,免得屆時出醜。
47. 專心看戲,不分心在戲院偷錄。
48. 睇鹹片不要拗劇情。

49. 適可而止。

50. 過後不過一啖笑,記住起身依起棚牙,性感豬頭炳嚇不死人也嚇死自己,好 happy 。


星期三, 3月 15, 2006

LSCOBA Spring Dinner 2006 Posted by Picasa

星期日, 3月 12, 2006

The only certainty

"Uncertainty, is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security."

- by an old man

星期六, 3月 11, 2006



星期五, 11月 05, 2004

What's your personality type?

Your answers suggest you are a Resolver

The four aspects that make up this personality type are:

Spontaneous, Facts, Heads and Introvert

Summary of Resolvers

  • Good at getting to the heart of a problem and quickly finding a solution
  • Make rational decisions using the facts available
  • Think of themselves as understanding, stable and easy-going
  • May focus on short-term results and lose sight of the big picture

More about Resolvers

Resolvers are independent people who quietly learn how things work by analysing large amounts of information. Should a problem arise, they solve it with as little fuss as possible. Resolvers are only interested in abstract ideas, if they can be used to solve a problem quickly.

Resolvers like to take risks: Many of them seek jobs and pastimes that put them in harms way and guarantee an adrenaline rush.

Resolvers have changed jobs most frequently since leaving full-time education, according to a UK survey.

Resolvers are often tolerant of behaviour different to their own as long as their values aren't compromised. They sometimes give the impression that they agree with other peoples' viewpoints because they don't actively disagree.

In situations where they can't use their talents or are unappreciated, Resolvers may become cynical, negatively critical or put off decisions. Under extreme stress, Resolvers could be prone to inappropriate, tearful outbursts.

Resolvers are quiet and sometimes it is difficult to get to know them; however, they often talk freely about subjects they understand well.

Resolver Careers

Resolvers are often drawn to hands-on jobs that require an analytical mind and careful organisation of large amounts of data.

星期五, 10月 29, 2004

New picture of my niece, she seems very hungry... Posted by Hello

星期二, 10月 19, 2004

Some more funny photo of my niece (yellow one ;) Posted by Hello

星期一, 10月 18, 2004

What is Osho's philosophy?

"Tao is no-method, simple spontaneity living life according to nature,
with no fight."

-- Osho

"The fundamental of the Zen approach is that all is as it should be,
nothing is missing. This very moment everything is perfect. The goal
is not somewhere else, it is here, it is now."

-- Osho

"What is Osho's philosophy?" is a common question from people who
are getting acquainted with Osho for the first time. The truth is: He
says again and again that he has no philosophy, set of beliefs, or
dogma to teach, and that his effort is rather to deprogram us from all
philosophies and beliefs so that we can experience the truth directly.

Learn more on OSHO WORLD

Lindy, my niece

You can visit following website to learn more about Lindy.


星期日, 10月 17, 2004

It is Lindy, very active!! Posted by Hello